Sunday, October 04, 2009

ode to the roomba....

'the first successful low light picture I've done so far.... my living room- yea!'

If you're trying to figure out what the correlation between a cleaning machine is to the photo posted above, well, there is one. Friday one of my famous OCD friends came into town and made me go to Bed, Bath & Beyond to purchase a mid priced Roomba- with coupons of course. She took one look at the tumbleweeds of dust bunnies on my wood floors and that was it. The tumbleweeds that I had so fondly started giving individual names to, were now a thing of the past. So, now after acquainting myself with the machine that is known to dawdle when it cleans- I'm a believer. It does a pretty descent job. My silk and wool area rugs are much more happier, and the machine does not get tied up in the fringe as the worry wart that I am so thought. Purging had been a huge goal of mine this past year- and I met it with success. Now the only thing left is to organize and purge out one last room. The rest- closets, kitchen, bedroom, bathroom, dining room, living room, are all ORGANIZED. 

Now the next hobbies to attack are low light photography and floral design and getting back to weekly sunday night dinner parties with friends. I figure that if I spend a year on these I should be at a new place in life. The above arrangement is from a florist down in Los Angeles called Mark's Garden. It's an English basket- and it's my favorite arrangement. I had two brought up Friday so I could disassemble one (and figure out how it's put together- so I can recreate it here for me) and the other one is for me to enjoy. And the photo of the arrangement? it's actually just another lazy Sunday night here at my new abode- complete with a roaring fireplace, creek running thru the back yard, and deer nibbling at my little trees. I like to kick back on Sundays and spend time with new friends just chatting away... and dusting off the old cooking skills that I learned as a teenager.