Latest Drawing...
Well, there is a free figure painting workshop here at work on Tuesday nights from 6-10. Pixar is nice enough to feed us and after ingesting the free food, a small group of artists metriculate accros the street to see what this week's next model has in store for us. My office mate Ernesto ususally is the first one over to set up his paints- and he normally tackles the duty of staging and lighting the model. I can't say enough good things about Ernesto- he's a fantastic painter and even better person. They are lucky to have him here.
I started about a year ago going to these little sessions- and wanted to just work on my drawing skills since it had been since 2001 when I *really* sat down and did any kind of figure drawing. Needless to say, some weeks had been pretty embarrassing- many, MANY drawings ended in the trash- well- (okay, all but one) but this one that I did last tuesday night came out okay. I used to draw 40-60 hours a week- and after you don't keep up that pace- you do get rusty. If I continue to do somewhat descent work, I will switch papers to a canson, rather to just newsprint. I knew it would take me about a nine months to get back up to speed when I was only devoting one night a week to this. My next goal is to start my little paint sketches that I used to do. If any of you are looking to start painting, just do little completed sketches- you grow sooooooo fast- and after you feel more comfortable doing them- challenge yourself by setting a timer and see if you can get it completed by then.
will chat later....